
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Talking While Soaping

I always envy those who can talk and soap at the same time and doing it so elegantly!  I'm a silent soaper, the only sound I have is the radio and my pets, talking while soaping and video taping is out of question, well, till now!

I have 20 soaping videos before this one and they are all voice-over style.  Meaning I video taped myself then edit it with voice over afterwards.  That is a lot of work and it usually takes days!  The reason I don't talk while soaping is because there's so much going on in my head.  I do fairly complicated project and designs, not only I have to concentrate on the sequence, I also have to look out for any unexpected incident that would cause me to move on to plan B or even plan C.  My mind is always rehearsing but try to keep calm.  This time I decided to challenge myself, first time in my soaping history, talking while soaping plus video taping all in one.  I'm no actress, no written script, excuse me if I sounded like I was mumbling! 

I present you, the making of Cocobanana Soap:

Cut photos will be posted on Facebook page:


  1. Really beautiful and thank you for sharing! gr.

  2. You did a great job! First time? You were descriptive and instructional. Fantastic looking soap, Emily!!

  3. Congrats on your very first in-person soap video. Everything looks great and you did an amazing job. Thanks for sharing both the video and the soap with us. =)

  4. Thanks Emily! I have missed your videos. I love this technique!
