Saturday, November 3, 2012

Am I Capable of Making Simplicity?

What and how does one perceive simplicity?  Is there to a point where simplicity = boring and uncreative?  Or even worse, sugar coat your creation as simple beauty because you are hitting soaper's block (similar to writer's block)?
As I pushed for more and more complicated design combinations this year, which required much time consuming planning ahead, the reverse question is, am I capable of finding my simplicity root?!  Or, am I just plain hitting soaper's block?!  But, the most important question I need to ask myself is, what do I perceive simplicity?!  I have no answer yet...
This is my Oatmeal Milk & Honey soap, made with local goat milk and honey with added colloidal oatmeal flour, simply, unscented, without "make up"

And this one, scented with matching synthetic fragrance oil with added titanium dioxide and pencil lined with red mica:

Or would you prefer my usual complicated project like this:


  1. This time I vote for simplicity! I mean all your creations are exceptional, just sometimes I enjoy seeing simple lines. It's like wearing white to me,we can love any colour combination and design,but wearing plain white is sometimes just perfect for its simplicity,brightness,elegance, emanating power...

  2. I love the photos of your intricately designed soaps, but when it oomes to using soap, I much prefer simplicity! Beautiful photos! xo Jen

  3. I love your colorful and imaginative soaps, but personally I like to use plain and simple white soap. Made a few myself and my favorite is a white one with a pencil line. Scent is more important to me than colors. And a simple soap is calming after a hectic day.

  4. I absolutely adore all of your soaps, they inspire me to be more creative with my own soap making. But it's the simple bar that I generally grab when need a new bar for the shower.

  5. All three soaps are gorgeous, Emily. I appreciate the simplicity of the unscented OMH bar, and I also admire the creativity of the more complicated designs. Of these three, though, I think I like the OMH with the brown and white layers and the red mica pencil line.

  6. i love the look of the simple soap, nice, crisp, cream and it looks more natural. But i am not a big fan of unscented soap, even a little toned down scent makes by bath/shower more enjoyable

  7. OH I love your soap Emily! I say make what makes you happy, because there are plenty of people who adore your soaps. You need to follow your own soaping spirit, you know what you enjoy so keep doing it xx

  8. I agree with Celine! Make what makes you happy! You make gorgeous soaps! I love them and wish I could be that creative! :)

  9. I love all three and if they were in my shower I would alternate between them and appreciate each one. You have the soul of an artist so that even the 'simplest' of soaps you make has a flair, something special that says 'beauty' xx

  10. While I love all three, I definetly like the uncomplicated look of the fist one best. Beautiful work, as always. :)

  11. All are lovely. I do like simplistic soaps for personal use and strive for the more colorful when I make adventuresome soap! I agree with Celine though and truly believe that one should follow one's spirit. What makes you happy is what you need to keep doing. Throw in a new challenge for a particular customer or just to match that pretty little dress you saw and adored. Always lovely Em!

  12. All your creations are beautiful. A feast for the eyes.


  13. Well, without noing you personnaly, i think the 3rd speaks your style the most. To me simplicity does not mean blanding in or plain, but well balanceds. So say you have 3 colours that really work together, with a clean lines or swirl design and it all fits, this to me is simple. But put 3 colors not going together and then it's too much. As you say, it all depens of your own definition !

  14. I love all your soaps and it is so hard to choose. Personally, I love how vibrant and bright the last soap is, but I equally love all the others. :)

  15. I think they are all beautiful! I look at your complicated stuff and go WOW I could never do that! I enjoy my more simplistic products, and I personally don't want to go super crazy with my designs. I'm happy to stick with simple ITP swirls, spoon swirls, and hanger swirls, with textured tops. But yours are absolutely gorgeous! I look at them like they are pieces of art! Even your more simple ones, like the first photo showed were beautiful. As long as you enjoy making what you make, keep doing what makes you happy!

